The Time for Digital Modernization is Now!

The utilities industry is currently undergoing a radical transformation. Whether the utility be electricity, gas, renewables or water the capabilities of digitalization are driving a modernization of how business is conducted. Digital data and technologies open opportunities for the industry's modernization and how they engage with their customers.

Decentralization and digitalization are enhancing and transforming the utilities world faster than ever. Smart storage and renewables will disrupt the energy market and community-owned energy generation will flourish. Decentralized networks and intelligent automation backed by digital technologies will increase efficiencies. Outcome-based regulatory structures will give end users more say in hitherto one-sided utility transactions.

TerraLink Solution Technologies

Optimize operational processes and utilize innovative technologies enabled by TerraLink

Utility companies leverage the expertise of TerraLink to optimize their data infrastructure - from equipment and process performance analysis to enterprise-wide operational analytics. Scalable and flexible data infrastructures have enabled utility enterprises to transform operational data in real time information for key insights, actions, and outcomes.

TerraLink has a proven track record implementing solutions for automating the processes of maintenance and repair of equipment, operation of utilities, buildings, and structures. These automations create opportunities to manage the main assets of the enterprise and related information throughout the equipment or facility life cycle including repair instructions, drawings, descriptions of procedures, or other critical documentation.

We also help utility enterprises to implement solutions for automating the processes of maintenance and repair of equipment, operation of utilities, buildings, and structures, which provides an opportunity to manage the main assets of the enterprise and related information - repair instructions, drawings, descriptions of procedures, etc. - on throughout the life cycle of an equipment or facility. In the context of this task, machine learning technologies allow predicting equipment failures, and predictive analytics helps to choose the right time for maintenance and repairs, reducing equipment downtime.

Electric Power Value Chain

Our Portfolio of Solutions for the Utility Industries Includes:


  • Enterprise resource management
  • Operational Manufacturing Execution (MES)
  • SAP MII integration and analytics platform
  • Predictive analytics for maintenance and repair
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Purchasing management and interaction with suppliers
  • Plant maintenance and repair of equipment
  • Human Recourses Management
  • Environmental protection, industrial safety, and worker protection


  • Real-time data analytics powered by the PI System by OSIsoft
  • Production dashboard based on PI System by OSIsoft
  • Intelligent event management based on PI system by OSIsoft
  • Intelligent QC based on Microsoft Machine Learning and OSIsoft PI System Microsoft
  • Machine learning for predicting equipment failures
  • Business analytics – insights from engineering data and customer demand patterns
  • Field service tickets


  • Machine learning for predicting equipment failures
  • Business analytics – insights from engineering data and customer demand patterns
  • Field service tickets


  • Capital construction project management
  • Management of normative and reference information
  • Engineering and technical documentation management
  • Investment project management
  • Electronic document management and archiving
  • Customer communications
  • Contract management

Suppliers and Brands

sap sap sap sap sap sap sap

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